In the just about three years that UdL digital has been online, the operators have learnt a lot – about the internet and their main target group: the political decision-makers. These felt that the platform was too “unprofessional”, this must be changed by means of an optical relaunch.

The second target group, bloggers and journalists, expect beyond the professional exterior, an innovative approach in the technical platform: Social plug-ins are just as indispensible as a creative approach, which bestows a “special something” on the platform.
The motto “innovative professionalism” arose from both of these requirements for the E-Plus group’s pitch in March 2013. FUERSTVONMARTIN’s draft implemented this idea in the best way which is why we were awarded the contract to redevelop UdL Digital.
The newly designed site plans a newsletter which automatically refers to new contributions. In addition there will be a particularly close interlinkage to Facebook – the preferred communication canal of the target groups.
We are looking forward to presenting the results soon.