Project Objectives
To make the entry into the world of smartphones and mobile communications easier for their customers, the E-Plus Group started the first customers-help-customers community in collaboration with FUERSTVONMARTIN in 2010. The focus of this platform lies in an intensive exchange of specialist knowledge and questions round about the topics mobile communications, tech news, smartphones and the mobile internet.
Reference platform for mobile communication topics
In the course of time, has developed into a reference platform which is used intensively by both newcomers to and specialists in mobile communications in order to exchange knowledge regarding smartphones and their settings as well as the topics apps and mobile operating systems. Due to the individual specialist knowledge the service provided by this community is developing continually and independently.
Customers help Customers
FUERSTVONMARTIN developed the Community Planning in collaboration with the E-Plus Group and acted as an advisory service provider during the portal development. What began as a niche topic has now established its permanent place in today’s service world. This service version creates trust in the brand and other customers. The community is enjoying increasing popularity and reaches up to 100,000 unique users every month.