Project Objectives
The objective is to increase the awareness of the Swiss canton Graubünden, especially in the target markets Germany, Benelux, Great Britain, Poland and the Czech Republic.
The Mountain is Calling
So that as many people as possible follow the call of the Graubünden mountains, FUERSTVONMARTIN started an exciting SEM project with Graubünden’s official marketing organization. It was important for the client company that the SEA and SEO measures were bundled by a strong partner agency.
Flying High
FUERSTVONMARTIN has developed a professional SEO strategy for the website during a project which was created as part of a long-term, trustful collaboration. Parallel to this, a campaign strategy for SEA has been coordinated which FUERSTVONMARTIN continues to implement – always with the objective of bringing qualified users to the website and to the Graubünden Mountains.
Image 1: Netzer Johannes -